Nature: A walking play
TigerLion Arts presents Nature, the mythic telling of Emerson and Thoreau’s mutual love of the natural world. Grounded in the story of their friendship, this virtuosic production offers a perspective on their lives that is strikingly relevant, richly complex, and yet utterly simple. Nature is performed outdoors as a “walking play.” A professional ensemble of actors takes the audience on a journey through the natural environment as scenes unfold around them. Bagpipes, ancient flutes, drums and rich choral arrangements are intricately woven into the experience.
Nature is an extraordinary, family-friendly journey that co-mingles story, spirit, and nature, as a means to reconnect its audience with the natural world. This original work is collaboratively created with writer/actor Tyson Forbes, a direct descendant of Ralph Waldo Emerson.
In today's world, we are so estranged from our natural environment, and at TigerLion Arts, we feel that humankind must reconnect with nature in order to survive. As pollutants spill into our lands, oceans and skies, as we race through our daily lives, and as we look further and further outside ourselves for the answers, it is our hope that Nature can be a catalyst for our collective healing.