2012 Performance Schedule
The Southern Theater
January 26–February 12, 2012
Thursdays & Fridays - 7pm
Saturdays - 1 & 5pm
Sundays - 1pm
The Southern Theater
January 26–February 12, 2012
Thursdays & Fridays - 7pm
Saturdays - 1 & 5pm
Sundays - 1pm

VIP: $30 Adults, $25 Children & Seniors
Zone 1: $27 Adults, $22 Children & Seniors
Zone 2: $25 Adults, $20 Children & Seniors
Children (15 & under)
Seniors (65 & over)
Recommended for ages 4 & up
Zone 1: $27 Adults, $22 Children & Seniors
Zone 2: $25 Adults, $20 Children & Seniors
Children (15 & under)
Seniors (65 & over)
Recommended for ages 4 & up
For tickets steer your dragon to ticketworks, or call 612-343-3390

What goes into the exciting enterprise of making a musical? Countless hours of creativity and hard work! We are always in need of helpful volunteers and in-kind donations. Musical productions are also costly, and we appreciate your support in bringing the Dragons project to fruition. A detailed budget is available upon request. TigerLion Arts is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit production company, and your gifts are tax-deductible. We sincerely thank you for your consideration and generosity!
Here are the ways to make a tax-deductible contribution to Dragons:
Call Markell Kiefer at 612-670-7771
Email contribute@tigerlion.org
Send a check made payable to TigerLion Arts/Dragons to:
TigerLion Arts
1300 U.S. Trust Building
730 2nd Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55402
TigerLion Arts
1300 U.S. Trust Building
730 2nd Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Here are some of the ways to volunteer for Dragons:
Be an usher for a performance
Help us get the word out
Donate your time and expertise
Contact: volunteer@tigerlion.org
List of Funders:
We thank the following contributors for their generous support of The Dragons Are Singing Tonight:
Julie Andrus
Anonymous Family Foundation
Micki and Tom Bell
Stephen P. Bell
Stephen B. Brooks
Nancy Bennett and Robert Calihan
Joan and John Brooks
Marney and Conley Brooks
Suzie and Bert Colianni
Margaret P. Cost
Lucia Crane
Kate and Christopher Crosby
Kitty and David Crosby
Elisabeth J. Dayton
Julia W. Dayton
Mary Lee Dayton
Mary and Rand Evans
Kurt Feuer and Laurie MacGregor
Polly Feuer
Nancy Gibson and Ron Sternal
Diana Goodman
Ellen Grace
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Amy Warner Michael Haney Fund
Marion McCollom Hampton
Markell Hapka
Marylee Hardenbergh
Margaret and Philip Harder
Helen and Bill Hartfiel
Elizabeth and Van Hawn
Emmie and Lawrence Hester
Gretchen Hund
Mary and Jay Jackley
Jackley Family Fund
Kate Johnson
Jacqueline Jones
Jane and James Kaufman
Betsy and Tom Kiefer
Sally and Jonathan Lebedoff
Ginny and Henry Llop
Martha MacMillan
Marbrook Foundation
Carol and Conley Brooks
Rachel Martin Brooks
Sarah K. Brooks
Markell Kiefer
Ashley and Peter Milliken
The Minneapolis Foundation
Anonymous Fund
Donor Advisor Co-Investment Fund
Family Memorial Fund
Lucy and Bob Mitchell
Valerie C. Moore
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Kitchel-McLaughlin Family Fund
Kate and Stuart Nielsen
Mary and Gary O’Brien
Julia and Brian Palmer
Ann and Stephen Pflaum
Paula Picard and Charles Truwit
Mary Plant
Jody and Steve Poling
Scott Potter
The Quaker Hill Foundation
Lisa Ringer
Elizabeth M. Ringer
Tina and Wint Ritchie
John Rudi
Ames Sheldon
Sallie Sheldon
Anne Simonson
Kim Smith
Harriet Spencer
Barbara Steiner
Julie and Bruce Steiner
Irene Steiner
Jean Thomson
Emily Anne and Gedney Tuttle
Elisabeth Wakeman
Ann and Dale Warner
Lucia Watson
Weinstein Family Fund
Westcliff Foundation
Markell Brooks
Susan and Joseph Wheelwright
Georgia Wiester
Rosita Wright
Wyman Family Charitable Foundation
Jane and Oswald S. Wyatt III
Anonymous Family Foundation
Micki and Tom Bell
Stephen P. Bell
Stephen B. Brooks
Nancy Bennett and Robert Calihan
Joan and John Brooks
Marney and Conley Brooks
Suzie and Bert Colianni
Margaret P. Cost
Lucia Crane
Kate and Christopher Crosby
Kitty and David Crosby
Elisabeth J. Dayton
Julia W. Dayton
Mary Lee Dayton
Mary and Rand Evans
Kurt Feuer and Laurie MacGregor
Polly Feuer
Nancy Gibson and Ron Sternal
Diana Goodman
Ellen Grace
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Amy Warner Michael Haney Fund
Marion McCollom Hampton
Markell Hapka
Marylee Hardenbergh
Margaret and Philip Harder
Helen and Bill Hartfiel
Elizabeth and Van Hawn
Emmie and Lawrence Hester
Gretchen Hund
Mary and Jay Jackley
Jackley Family Fund
Kate Johnson
Jacqueline Jones
Jane and James Kaufman
Betsy and Tom Kiefer
Sally and Jonathan Lebedoff
Ginny and Henry Llop
Martha MacMillan
Marbrook Foundation
Carol and Conley Brooks
Rachel Martin Brooks
Sarah K. Brooks
Markell Kiefer
Ashley and Peter Milliken
The Minneapolis Foundation
Anonymous Fund
Donor Advisor Co-Investment Fund
Family Memorial Fund
Lucy and Bob Mitchell
Valerie C. Moore
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Kitchel-McLaughlin Family Fund
Kate and Stuart Nielsen
Mary and Gary O’Brien
Julia and Brian Palmer
Ann and Stephen Pflaum
Paula Picard and Charles Truwit
Mary Plant
Jody and Steve Poling
Scott Potter
The Quaker Hill Foundation
Lisa Ringer
Elizabeth M. Ringer
Tina and Wint Ritchie
John Rudi
Ames Sheldon
Sallie Sheldon
Anne Simonson
Kim Smith
Harriet Spencer
Barbara Steiner
Julie and Bruce Steiner
Irene Steiner
Jean Thomson
Emily Anne and Gedney Tuttle
Elisabeth Wakeman
Ann and Dale Warner
Lucia Watson
Weinstein Family Fund
Westcliff Foundation
Markell Brooks
Susan and Joseph Wheelwright
Georgia Wiester
Rosita Wright
Wyman Family Charitable Foundation
Jane and Oswald S. Wyatt III